Donations are now setup!

Donations are now setup through 'Pay what you want' downloads or a donation link from the main page's description!

Donations help me to hire the work of skillful people to create 3D models, or help me with Level Making, programming, or other purposes (such as buying game-ready assets, plugins, etc.) and so progress faster in the project.

This game is free, but you can choose to help fund the project with any amount you  desire to accelerate development :D

I'll also leave a direct donation link here:

Get Changed 3D

Download NowName your own price


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我在尝试捐赠时遇到了一些问题,PayPal 页面显示“该国家或地区不支持向该收件人捐赠

(1 edit)

Oh, firstly, thank you!
Maybe you can try through ItchIo system, you can "buy" the game through Name your own Price through a prompt that appears when trying to download the game.

Paypal really disappointed me with the country restriction.. I'll try to fix it whenever I can, either there is a donation alternative, or is something wrongly configured in the Paypal donation.