Hi, just wondering how i can play the game bc this keeps popping up and i have no idea how to fix it. I don't know what driver my computer is, i really wanna play thsi game tho :). Thx
Hello, I would like to know if you need help with the Changed 3D project? My name is Wuilker Rincon, or as they call me by nickname WuilkerProgram. . . I am the developer of the Changed The Visitor Fangame and I would like to know if you are looking for people to help you with the development of Changed 3D. . . If so, I would like to help with the development of this incredible project. . .
hola me gustaria saber si no nesecita ayuda con el proyecto de Changed 3D? mi nombre es Wuilker Rincon , o como me llaman por apodo WuilkerProgram. . .
Soy el desarroyodor del Fangame de Changed The Visitor y me gustaria saber si no estás buscando a gente que te ayude con el desarroyo de Changed 3D. . .
Si es asi me gustaria ayudar con el desarroyo de este increible proyecto . . .
Me alegro que tengas ganas de ayudarnos y que te interese! He visto tu proyecto de Changed: The Visitors y me ha gustado mucho la originalidad, tienes una mente creativa!
Por otro lado, no me quedó claro con qué quieres ayudar exactamente... ¿tienes experiencia con Unreal Engine? ¿O deseas ayudar en el desarrollo en otro aspecto?
Mira, mejor puedes comunicarte con Alex, que es el Project Lead ¡a través de nuestro Discord!
pos tengo experiencia con el modelaje 3D y también e trabajado en proyectos usando Unreal . . .pero creo que eso no voy a poder porque actualmente mi Pc ya no ejecuta unreal Engine ni juegos asociados al mismo . . . en fin
si algún día llego a hacer que mi pc vuelva a ejecutar este sistema de Unreal yo les aviso por aquí, ya que yo no tengo Discord . . .
bueno asta la próxima y les deseo suerte en su increíble Proyecto
Hmm, I'm afraid that's not possible! The game is too resource-expensive, and a phone would not be able to run the game even if it wanted. And the adaptation to a phone would be even harder to achieve.
very interesting game i did notice the game was using 11gb of ram while i was playing not sure if it was because the settings were maxed or something else but hey keep up the good work
The game did not pass the optimization of all resources. We are still in development so I can imagine it will consume more than usual. We will optimize the game on later patches.
Absolutely no! This game is SafeForWork, there is no nudity, sexual content nor gore.
This is a fan-made 3D production of the original Changed game made by Dragon Snow. If there was something NSFW in the OG Changed, I have modified it to be SFW.
Hello TheWarTank!Every time when I start the latest version of the Changed3D(v3.9.3) it will suddenly crash and say fatal error, which has never happened in previous version of the game. I have no idea what is going wrong. Can you solve this problem or give some advice? Thank you very much!
When I try to start the game it just popped up Fatal error and closed without any other information. And the version3.9.6 also has the same issue. So I don't know what is going wrong. What information should I offer to you? Thank you!
Delete everything inside of the folder c:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Local\Changed3D
If it still doesn't work, a log would be useful, which can be found at: c:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Local\Changed3D\Saved\Logs\ (folder should automatically be created when trying to run the game).
Hi the war tank,I want to translate your game into Chinese.But before that I need some help from you.Such as project document and so on.Can you help me?
Oh,I'm sorry about that.What I need is the Unreal Project File when you use the Unreal Engine to make your game.By the way,I'll attend school tomorrow,see you next weekend.
I'm not sure if I can use your file. I think you should still send it to me a .uproject file.(If I said anything wrong, please forgive me because I really don't know what localization file is)
I also want to learn how you implement certain functions in your game while translating your game, so that I can use what I have learned to create my own game. So if you could send me your .upject file, that would be even better.
Two things: sending you the .uproject won't work and you won't be able to start it, you'd need the entire project, and second, it's too dangerous for me to do that. I can tell you how I technically made certain things in the game if you'd like?
Ah, sorry! Forgot to reply! I've read it and I'll respond here:
The one step function, I don't think it should be made that way truly, it would bring about a lot of issues! And the game needs it's own differentiation from the original Changed. But thanks though for the feedback!
You can change the game language on the Main Menu screen by clicking at the down-most right corner where it says 'es-AR', that should change it to 'en-US'.
I seem to have a problem on the first struggle encounter where your supposed to spam a certain button but its not registering is that just my computer or me?
One suggestion i have for the changed 3d game is for when the box puzzle make it a one step function where you can only move one step at a time mabey the same for the dragon rooms too!
Hmm, the latest game version is now in DirectX 12, not 11, perhaps you have old drivers? Try installing the latest.
This game is quite demanding, so check that you have a strong enough PC and that your drivers are up to date, if the problem persists, you can send me the crash logs and I will see if there's anything I can do!
Hi , thank you for the reply and for taking my case into consideration
DirectX of my PC is at 12 so that wasn't the problem and I am confident enough that my PC can run this game (I will force him if I have) now if you could tell me where to find those logs so I can send them to you and thank you in advance for your hard work.
First clear the logs and crashlogs, then launch the game and notice the newly generated logs, send those. (Notice: if the crashlog is a whole folder with files, zip the folder and send the zip).
Is it possible you could add some sort of graphical settings/fps limiter? It's making my pc extremely hot running this probably because the fps is too high.
Yes, I will add a configuration menu that will allow you to tweak everything, from gameplay, audio to graphical. But in some time from now, not right now.
There has been a lot of good progress, and things have been busy (and I've been quiet, yes, sorry!). I haven't got prepared a new demo/test right now, but at the current state I can make one, so I will start making a new downloadable demo/test tomorrow, and launch it as soon as I can (and I can probably release it in just a few days from now!).
I'm sorry my friend, I probably won't be able to help you test the problem if your demo isn't ready by the end of the month, and at the beginning of every month I have to go to work for the sake of my life.
Hello Kuba38CZ, yes, indeed! It is my objective to upgrade all the graphical aspect (textures, 3D models, audio, etc.), but all in due time!
When I first began this project, I wasn't really a 3D modeler, yet, there were no 3D models of what I needed, so I had to make them however I could.
Even though the models can be better, I'm sure, most of them already went through a revision and were upgraded by myself at a later time (you don't want to see the first, old models...)
Perhaps in a different game mode, in the future, but not now, and not for the current story mode.
And either way, guns would probably not work. In Changed's lore, the institute (and the people when they were still human) used other types of weapons, some electric sort, to fight off the monsters...
Hello!! Thank's for testing my game out, I am most happy! I've definitely put a lot of work on this project (me alone, single person developing this!), but seeing your video, I realize how many rough edges there are...
If I were to correct all those things, this game would probably feel a lot better, sorry if your experience was not top notch!! I will work very hard to improve all the aspects in Changed 3D. Thanks again!
Not at the moment, sadly. For a stable release/beta, I must properly finish at least the ServerAreaDecontamination, and play test to remove potential bugs.
Though there is good progress! I have finished the WhiteLatexPup and WhiteLatexHiveMonster 3D models, mostly finished the ServerAreaDecontamination, good start on the next level, the ServerAreaDirectVision (weird name, right?), and good progress on the programming. I think it will not be long until there is a release/beta version!
( Yes, developing new segments of the game take me a lot of time, mostly because of level design, new programming behaviors and bugs, but once the segment is complete, I can get my hands on polishing, adding new features, bug fixing, community suggestions, etc.! )
I may know what he said, there are two moving black dots that will be summoned, he should be talking about this, I do not think there is anything wrong ah? And, how soon will the new DEMO be updated?
I am talking about the shadows that spawn in during the Dark latex King boss fight... I don't know how to be more specific than that... I understand that you want to keep true to the original game but you have to make the bosses winnable. I'm sorry if I'm sounding pretty mean but... it's hard enough to dodge those spikes that spawn in.
Well, I want to explain to you that this game is a replica of CHANGED, faithful to the original game, this item will not be eliminated, and there is no death, try a few more times, the spikes on the ground and the latex cans overhead is actually very good to dodge, you just need to calculate the path, keep it behind you, to ensure that the black shadow of the two latex cans will not block your path, as for the spikes on the ground, the Time is completely sufficient, just need to move a few steps to avoid, even with the addition of latex cans, you can also perform lure, because it is synchronized with the spikes, only when the spikes start that one moment will move, that is, you can completely dodge it
I tried to do this multiple times before typing this reply and... yea... I simply can't get past the boss fight... again I don't what to come off as mean... before we wrap this thread up can you tell me what platform Changed 3D is on? just curious
Hello BuildingWolf100, Changed3D is built for the Windows OS, PC.
This is a dilemma, either I tune down the difficulty of the boss for the sake of the players who can't beat it, or leave it as is for the sake of difficulty and faithfulness of the original game.
There is a better alternative that I think will be best. I will in the near future implement the "Simple difficulty", which will be selectable at the start of a new game, and will tune the difficulty of most of the enemies and parts of the game, and obviously have a unique early ending when reaching a certain part of the adventure.
I'm sorry that you are struggling with the boss! After I finish with the ServerArea segment, I will design this Difficulty system.
Hello, I understand that you have a problem with your PC / WindowsOS, but please, don't come here to procrastinate, if you need help, please post useful images and description of your problem so I can try to help you.
I just had a look at your comment history and its clear you need some help with this whole .exe thing. I promise you it's *more* than simple and I'm glad to walk you through it somewhere less public than TheWarTank's comments.
Please view this video and follow the exact steps shown: tutorial
I've offered the extent of my help and I'm sorry to hear that.
If you're still struggling in a few years when you grow up and your parents don't control your internet traffic or you manage to find a workaround for viewing YouTube videos, the link will still be here and working.
No problem, although this would be a minor fix, a Quality of Life, because you CAN run the program (the game, the .exe), when the Smart Protect pops up, you just need to click on "More info" or something like that on the corner of the window and a button will appear saying "Execute anyway" or something like that, and the game will launch! (This method works with any other executables you might be having trouble with).
Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Why didn't I even know you updated 3.0? I didn't even get an email alert, damn it. I'll test it as soon as I can. It's too late for me.
Yesterday I was working on the update nonstop, testing and fixing bugs and stability, but I finished so late that I didn't have sufficient strength to do a developer log to announce and detail everything! Sorry O.O
Will do a developer log now to announce the new features and stuff.
I have a problem bcs i can't go past lasers from the begining. i mean i can dodge them but when i open the doors on the other side game just doesn't let me and i can't move or do anything else. help (btw sorry for my bad english)
A video clip or step by step guide or any more information would be very useful for me to find and fix the bug. Otherwise, I can only test from my side, and everything works in my testing.
There, at the end of the lasers, there is supposed to be a dialogue about low power and then the lasers turning off.
Hi, I understand the problem you mentioned, please make sure there are no problems with the following points:
1. if you are using a user other than English, please make sure your input method program is not open, because for some damn reason, the input method program can easily cause some problems (this is not discriminatory, because the input of some languages requires fetching an external database, and users forgetting this can easily lead to getting stuck)
2. Please make sure you have reached the location of the door and trigger the laser off the view animation, if not walk towards the door
If the above still does not solve the problem, please be sure to use your screenshot software screenshots and describe how to trigger the conditions, behavior, and the keys you operate, because I have tested here many times without this situation, you describe the situation is slightly unclear, I am very difficult to help you with my experience in the game
Not quite yet, but I'm close to, I'm developing and testing a new DEMO version... (it includes all the new features, bug fixes, etc., though it does not include the new levels).
Oh, then I'm looking forward to your new system, and of course, a small wish to be able to control all the monsters for a while as well as some interaction (just myself)
So you need to get close to the vent and interact with it with the "E" key, a dialog will appear and soon after the first Living Milk Pudding will appear, after dealing with the Living Milk Pudding you should get close to the vent again and interact once more with the "E" key, another dialog will appear and the once closed door will now be unlocked!
If this does not work, I will need more details on your problem (screenshots, videos, anything useful).
You can watch a Walkthrough of the original Changed Special game in YouTube to get an idea of what to do next, as the progression of Changed3D is faithful to the original game!
Yes, but I don't think that the direct reason of the crashing is the version of the engine, there must be some incompatibility between your PC and something the 5.0 engine uses, try upgrading graphics driver maybe?
And I should probably add a Minimum System Requirements for the game...
Hello bloblychampion1! The cat goes in a straight line and has an ACTIVE and a TIRED states, like in the original game, and you must wait behind an obstacle until the cat is tired, indicated by the sad meowing (different meow than the initial and the one when you step in a water spot), then, when cat is tired, go for a run, make some progress (beware of the water spots, they set the cat to it's ACTIVE state immediately) and hide behind another obstacle and repeat, until you eventually get there to the end of the Cat level. Hope that helps you out!
Regarding the extremely dark areas, a picture would be useful! The game is not supposed to be extremely dark, but is a little dark in some places.
Hmm, that is odd. You can try to update your drivers to the newest one, or you could check if it happens with other games or not (to see if it's a problem with my game or some problem related with your PC), but without a log it is difficult to pinpoint the problem exactly.
If I'm not mistaken, you can find the logs at: "c:\Users\YourUserHere\AppData\Local\Changed3D\Saved\Logs\"
It's really late here, so I will check this tomorrow or on Monday.
Hello Richie007, yes, I've noticed some people have a really hard time with that part, so I will add some sort of TIPS or some other indicator of how to pass that part, but for now, try moving to the sides without going forward, that will also trigger the lasers to continue their pattern.
← Return to Changed3D
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Hi, I downloaded this game but My game is so laggy that I even can't get past the first chase ): please help me.
Hi, just wondering how i can play the game bc this keeps popping up and i have no idea how to fix it. I don't know what driver my computer is, i really wanna play thsi game tho :). Thx
Hello termi!
You can try these two things:
Check if one of these things work!
hola me gustaria saber si no nesecita ayuda con el proyecto de Changed 3D? mi nombre es Wuilker Rincon , o como me llaman por apodo WuilkerProgram. . .
Soy el desarroyodor del Fangame de Changed The Visitor y me gustaria saber si no estás buscando a gente que te ayude con el desarroyo de Changed 3D. . .
Si es asi me gustaria ayudar con el desarroyo de este increible proyecto . . .
Hello/Hola Wuilker!
Me alegro que tengas ganas de ayudarnos y que te interese! He visto tu proyecto de Changed: The Visitors y me ha gustado mucho la originalidad, tienes una mente creativa!
Por otro lado, no me quedó claro con qué quieres ayudar exactamente... ¿tienes experiencia con Unreal Engine? ¿O deseas ayudar en el desarrollo en otro aspecto?
Mira, mejor puedes comunicarte con Alex, que es el Project Lead ¡a través de nuestro Discord!
pos tengo experiencia con el modelaje 3D y también e trabajado en proyectos usando Unreal . . .pero creo que eso no voy a poder porque actualmente mi Pc ya no ejecuta unreal Engine ni juegos asociados al mismo . . . en fin
si algún día llego a hacer que mi pc vuelva a ejecutar este sistema de Unreal yo les aviso por aquí, ya que yo no tengo Discord . . .
bueno asta la próxima y les deseo suerte en su increíble Proyecto
I can't play this game in any version , I need more information on How can I fix that error, I'd like to play this game at all cost HAHAHAH
Hahaha, 'AT ALL COST'.
Okey, contact me on DISCORD or GUILDED and I will help you!
Hello, I know you're only one person, but could you, when you finish the game, maybe create a port for Android?
Hello Tencas Blue!
Hmm, I'm afraid that's not possible! The game is too resource-expensive, and a phone would not be able to run the game even if it wanted. And the adaptation to a phone would be even harder to achieve.
Or okay, nothing happens, it's still a good job you did
very interesting game i did notice the game was using 11gb of ram while i was playing not sure if it was because the settings were maxed or something else but hey keep up the good work
The game did not pass the optimization of all resources. We are still in development so I can imagine it will consume more than usual. We will optimize the game on later patches.
Hello Joe!
Absolutely no! This game is SafeForWork, there is no nudity, sexual content nor gore.
This is a fan-made 3D production of the original Changed game made by Dragon Snow. If there was something NSFW in the OG Changed, I have modified it to be SFW.
Hello TheWarTank!Every time when I start the latest version of the Changed3D(v3.9.3) it will suddenly crash and say fatal error, which has never happened in previous version of the game. I have no idea what is going wrong. Can you solve this problem or give some advice? Thank you very much!
Hello shallowfoam!
Without the logs, a video or more information I have no clue how to help you.
Please expand on your issue!
Mmm, try one of these solutions:
If it still doesn't work, a log would be useful, which can be found at: c:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Local\Changed3D\Saved\Logs\ (folder should automatically be created when trying to run the game).
Hi the war tank,I want to translate your game into Chinese.But before that I need some help from you.Such as project document and so on.Can you help me?
Hello RK3588!
Well, you need to be more specific in how I can help. Project document? Which/What is it you need? Could you expand further?
Oh,I'm sorry about that.What I need is the Unreal Project File when you use the Unreal Engine to make your game.By the way,I'll attend school tomorrow,see you next weekend.
Like this:)
I'm back.
Anyway,If you find the file,please send it to me by email.My email address is igfx1@outlook.com
Hello RK! Sorry for not replying earlier..
I can send you a localization file, not the .uproject file! Let me check tomorrow or in the week and I will send you a localization file!
I'm not sure if I can use your file. I think you should still send it to me a .uproject file.(If I said anything wrong, please forgive me because I really don't know what localization file is)
I also want to learn how you implement certain functions in your game while translating your game, so that I can use what I have learned to create my own game. So if you could send me your .upject file, that would be even better.
I 'm looking forward to you reply to me
Hey, sorry.
Two things: sending you the .uproject won't work and you won't be able to start it, you'd need the entire project, and second, it's too dangerous for me to do that. I can tell you how I technically made certain things in the game if you'd like?
hey @Thewartank can you check out my comment that I posted on my previous post? The one about the suggestion it would mean a lot!
Ah, sorry! Forgot to reply! I've read it and I'll respond here:
The one step function, I don't think it should be made that way truly, it would bring about a lot of issues! And the game needs it's own differentiation from the original Changed. But thanks though for the feedback!
thank for replying and answering back I agree maybe it would be to much of a hassle
Its crazy how much effort you put into this 👍
Thank you joey!!
I'm always trying my best, and my ultimate objective is to provide an enjoyable experience!
How can you make the game english?
Hello... kldnljhwl?
You can change the game language on the Main Menu screen by clicking at the down-most right corner where it says 'es-AR', that should change it to 'en-US'.
thx. btw you wrote the name right :)
I seem to have a problem on the first struggle encounter where your supposed to spam a certain button but its not registering is that just my computer or me?
Hello jack!
The Quick Time Event (QTE) or struggle point should be beaten by repeatedly pressing the Spacebar key.
If it's not working, it can either be an odd game bug or an error in your system and your input registration.
Thanks so much for helping me and telling this information!
You're welcome very much!
One suggestion i have for the changed 3d game is for when the box puzzle make it a one step function where you can only move one step at a time mabey the same for the dragon rooms too!
Hi , I faced some issues while opening the game it says
can you please tell me whats the problem I really want to play this game ><
Hmm, the latest game version is now in DirectX 12, not 11, perhaps you have old drivers? Try installing the latest.
This game is quite demanding, so check that you have a strong enough PC and that your drivers are up to date, if the problem persists, you can send me the crash logs and I will see if there's anything I can do!
Hi , thank you for the reply and for taking my case into consideration
DirectX of my PC is at 12 so that wasn't the problem and I am confident enough that my PC can run this game (I will force him if I have) now if you could tell me where to find those logs so I can send them to you and thank you in advance for your hard work.
Hello Lucassiert!
Okey, logs and crashlogs should be located at:
First clear the logs and crashlogs, then launch the game and notice the newly generated logs, send those. (Notice: if the crashlog is a whole folder with files, zip the folder and send the zip).
can wait when the game is at the final verson.
I'm glad you like this project!
Me too, I'd like to make every part of the original game a reality in 3D!
can i have a hint to where the code is for the first hallway i cant seem to find it or can you just give it to me plz.
Hello ProtoGaming!
Yes, surely:
The floor's tiling is the key. Look from the right way and the code will become cohesive.
Thanks for the hint.
You are welcome :D
Is it possible you could add some sort of graphical settings/fps limiter? It's making my pc extremely hot running this probably because the fps is too high.
Helo Zenoshi!
Yes, I will add a configuration menu that will allow you to tweak everything, from gameplay, audio to graphical. But in some time from now, not right now.
Hey, man, it's been a month. Any new tests ready to be released?
Hello hawkwk!
There has been a lot of good progress, and things have been busy (and I've been quiet, yes, sorry!). I haven't got prepared a new demo/test right now, but at the current state I can make one, so I will start making a new downloadable demo/test tomorrow, and launch it as soon as I can (and I can probably release it in just a few days from now!).
I'm sorry my friend, I probably won't be able to help you test the problem if your demo isn't ready by the end of the month, and at the beginning of every month I have to go to work for the sake of my life.
That's okay, work is very important! You can come back anytime. I'll be here, developing :D
Though the new ServerAreaBetaV3.3 is now available, if you want to check it out. Hope you like it :)
are the character models gonna be updated sometime to match the original look more?
Hello Kuba38CZ, yes, indeed! It is my objective to upgrade all the graphical aspect (textures, 3D models, audio, etc.), but all in due time!
When I first began this project, I wasn't really a 3D modeler, yet, there were no 3D models of what I needed, so I had to make them however I could.
Even though the models can be better, I'm sure, most of them already went through a revision and were upgraded by myself at a later time (you don't want to see the first, old models...)
this game misses 3 things:guns, did i mention it needs guns, and also weapons
Hey. This is not an FPS game.
Perhaps in a different game mode, in the future, but not now, and not for the current story mode.
And either way, guns would probably not work. In Changed's lore, the institute (and the people when they were still human) used other types of weapons, some electric sort, to fight off the monsters...
Keep up the good working & looking forward to totally not being horrified by the final cut of this 👍
Hello!! Thank's for testing my game out, I am most happy! I've definitely put a lot of work on this project (me alone, single person developing this!), but seeing your video, I realize how many rough edges there are...
If I were to correct all those things, this game would probably feel a lot better, sorry if your experience was not top notch!! I will work very hard to improve all the aspects in Changed 3D. Thanks again!
I would like to ask, there is no latest demo this month, right?I will start working again soon
Not at the moment, sadly. For a stable release/beta, I must properly finish at least the ServerAreaDecontamination, and play test to remove potential bugs.
Though there is good progress! I have finished the WhiteLatexPup and WhiteLatexHiveMonster 3D models, mostly finished the ServerAreaDecontamination, good start on the next level, the ServerAreaDirectVision (weird name, right?), and good progress on the programming. I think it will not be long until there is a release/beta version!
( Yes, developing new segments of the game take me a lot of time, mostly because of level design, new programming behaviors and bugs, but once the segment is complete, I can get my hands on polishing, adding new features, bug fixing, community suggestions, etc.! )
why would you keep those containers (the 1s that fall from the ceiling) in the Dark Wolf King boss fight?
Hello BuildingWolf100!
Could you... be more specific? I'm unsure of what you are referring to...
I may know what he said, there are two moving black dots that will be summoned, he should be talking about this, I do not think there is anything wrong ah? And, how soon will the new DEMO be updated?
I am talking about the shadows that spawn in during the Dark latex King boss fight... I don't know how to be more specific than that... I understand that you want to keep true to the original game but you have to make the bosses winnable. I'm sorry if I'm sounding pretty mean but... it's hard enough to dodge those spikes that spawn in.
Well, I want to explain to you that this game is a replica of CHANGED, faithful to the original game, this item will not be eliminated, and there is no death, try a few more times, the spikes on the ground and the latex cans overhead is actually very good to dodge, you just need to calculate the path, keep it behind you, to ensure that the black shadow of the two latex cans will not block your path, as for the spikes on the ground, the Time is completely sufficient, just need to move a few steps to avoid, even with the addition of latex cans, you can also perform lure, because it is synchronized with the spikes, only when the spikes start that one moment will move, that is, you can completely dodge it
I tried to do this multiple times before typing this reply and... yea... I simply can't get past the boss fight... again I don't what to come off as mean... before we wrap this thread up can you tell me what platform Changed 3D is on? just curious
Hello BuildingWolf100, Changed3D is built for the Windows OS, PC.
This is a dilemma, either I tune down the difficulty of the boss for the sake of the players who can't beat it, or leave it as is for the sake of difficulty and faithfulness of the original game.
There is a better alternative that I think will be best. I will in the near future implement the "Simple difficulty", which will be selectable at the start of a new game, and will tune the difficulty of most of the enemies and parts of the game, and obviously have a unique early ending when reaching a certain part of the adventure.
I'm sorry that you are struggling with the boss! After I finish with the ServerArea segment, I will design this Difficulty system.
How do i do the Password thing?
Where are you talking about? If you're referring to the combination lock at the beginning, I'll give you a hint, look at the floor
already got it
Hello, I understand that you have a problem with your PC / WindowsOS, but please, don't come here to procrastinate, if you need help, please post useful images and description of your problem so I can try to help you.
Most .exe's from itch will do this on Windows because Windows is not your friend and does not have your best interests in mind.
Open .exe, "Windows has protected your PC", click "more info" under the jargon they put there, click "Run anyway", game opens and won't ask again.
If this doesn't work try right clicking the .exe and "run as administrator" with the little shield icon by it.
Best of luck
-Tech Support
it doesnt have run anyway button :(
and it wont let me run it
I just had a look at your comment history and its clear you need some help with this whole .exe thing. I promise you it's *more* than simple and I'm glad to walk you through it somewhere less public than TheWarTank's comments.
Please view this video and follow the exact steps shown: tutorial
youtube is blocked for me.
by my parents.
mega oof moment when it could have been easy for me 💀
I've offered the extent of my help and I'm sorry to hear that.
If you're still struggling in a few years when you grow up and your parents don't control your internet traffic or you manage to find a workaround for viewing YouTube videos, the link will still be here and working.
-Tech Support
Uh, it was an error in the data on my end. Or do you indeed have a small update? I saw your more info 7 days ago, which was June 14
A 'small update' is not what I have in store, unfortunately. I need to work really hard to have the new segment of the game ready.
Though I will post a Devlog to highlight what I've been working on!
don't let m play :l
Uh, can you explain what's happening to you? I'd like to help you, but I don't know anything about your situation
most likely windows being a ---- and saying pc is vunerable if playing.
and not letting you
This is not Windows' problem, I have yet to create a certificate for the game so Windows can trust the game's exe file.
Please don't swear nor procrastinate or I will have to remove your future comments.
sorry man, i didnt know that wasnt allowed! and plz fix it i cant already play like any good game..
it really sucks because i wanna see if making windows into a newer version works but i cant update it
No problem, although this would be a minor fix, a Quality of Life, because you CAN run the program (the game, the .exe), when the Smart Protect pops up, you just need to click on "More info" or something like that on the corner of the window and a button will appear saying "Execute anyway" or something like that, and the game will launch! (This method works with any other executables you might be having trouble with).
Hope this helps you!
Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Why didn't I even know you updated 3.0? I didn't even get an email alert, damn it. I'll test it as soon as I can. It's too late for me.
Yesterday I was working on the update nonstop, testing and fixing bugs and stability, but I finished so late that I didn't have sufficient strength to do a developer log to announce and detail everything! Sorry O.O
Will do a developer log now to announce the new features and stuff.
I have a problem bcs i can't go past lasers from the begining. i mean i can dodge them but when i open the doors on the other side game just doesn't let me and i can't move or do anything else. help (btw sorry for my bad english)
Hello, good day.
A video clip or step by step guide or any more information would be very useful for me to find and fix the bug. Otherwise, I can only test from my side, and everything works in my testing.
There, at the end of the lasers, there is supposed to be a dialogue about low power and then the lasers turning off.
Hi, I understand the problem you mentioned, please make sure there are no problems with the following points:
1. if you are using a user other than English, please make sure your input method program is not open, because for some damn reason, the input method program can easily cause some problems (this is not discriminatory, because the input of some languages requires fetching an external database, and users forgetting this can easily lead to getting stuck)
2. Please make sure you have reached the location of the door and trigger the laser off the view animation, if not walk towards the door
If the above still does not solve the problem, please be sure to use your screenshot software screenshots and describe how to trigger the conditions, behavior, and the keys you operate, because I have tested here many times without this situation, you describe the situation is slightly unclear, I am very difficult to help you with my experience in the game
Just a friendly inquiry, is there a new DEMO ready?
Hello, good day!!
Not quite yet, but I'm close to, I'm developing and testing a new DEMO version... (it includes all the new features, bug fixes, etc., though it does not include the new levels).
Oh, then I'm looking forward to your new system, and of course, a small wish to be able to control all the monsters for a while as well as some interaction (just myself)
i know what changed is but i can't get out the first room i can't move the vent... what's the key for it
Oh, it's more of a technical problem then:
So you need to get close to the vent and interact with it with the "E" key, a dialog will appear and soon after the first Living Milk Pudding will appear, after dealing with the Living Milk Pudding you should get close to the vent again and interact once more with the "E" key, another dialog will appear and the once closed door will now be unlocked!
If this does not work, I will need more details on your problem (screenshots, videos, anything useful).
i dont know why the fps is bad
um how do you even get passed the first room i'm stuck
Hello ColinAndPur!
You can watch a Walkthrough of the original Changed Special game in YouTube to get an idea of what to do next, as the progression of Changed3D is faithful to the original game!
Is this game in unreal engine 5?
If yes then this is probably the reason why the game crashes on my pc x3
Yes, but I don't think that the direct reason of the crashing is the version of the engine, there must be some incompatibility between your PC and something the 5.0 engine uses, try upgrading graphics driver maybe?
And I should probably add a Minimum System Requirements for the game...
uhhh yea that's the thing, I have a gt 710 ;w;
Geez, man, this video card is too old
unfortunately qwq
how the heck do i get past the cat
how do u get past the cat? also some areas are like extremely dark for me (no clue if this is something that i have a problem with or its the game).
Hello bloblychampion1! The cat goes in a straight line and has an ACTIVE and a TIRED states, like in the original game, and you must wait behind an obstacle until the cat is tired, indicated by the sad meowing (different meow than the initial and the one when you step in a water spot), then, when cat is tired, go for a run, make some progress (beware of the water spots, they set the cat to it's ACTIVE state immediately) and hide behind another obstacle and repeat, until you eventually get there to the end of the Cat level. Hope that helps you out!
Regarding the extremely dark areas, a picture would be useful! The game is not supposed to be extremely dark, but is a little dark in some places.
thank you, uuh here is how dark the box area is for me (this where the boxes are that u need to push around)
Woah there! That's absolutely not normal brightness!
I will check the Cat Area and lighting in general and see what the heck is going on there.
hi help plz got it two days ago
Hmm, that is odd. You can try to update your drivers to the newest one, or you could check if it happens with other games or not (to see if it's a problem with my game or some problem related with your PC), but without a log it is difficult to pinpoint the problem exactly.
If I'm not mistaken, you can find the logs at: "c:\Users\YourUserHere\AppData\Local\Changed3D\Saved\Logs\"
It's really late here, so I will check this tomorrow or on Monday.
The Laser Area Right After the Cat maze is Nearly Impossible, I Cant Figure out Its pattern properly.
Hello Richie007, yes, I've noticed some people have a really hard time with that part, so I will add some sort of TIPS or some other indicator of how to pass that part, but for now, try moving to the sides without going forward, that will also trigger the lasers to continue their pattern.
This is great.
Thank you! I am glad you like it :D